Publishing Decalogue
I. All articles must be on the previously agreed topic and in the agreed length. The work’s title will appear in the respective publishing rights agreement, which must be signed before publication.
II. The article will invariably be submitted for evaluation by the Editorial Board, who will determine whether or not to include it in the next or subsequent publications (for reasons of production, space, or time of the year). Even if its inclusion is not considered viable, without giving any reason or justification, this determination will be final and irrevocable.
III. Any photographic, graphic, or illustrative material sent with the article will also be subject to evaluation by the Editorial Board, who will determine whether or not to include it in the publication, regardless of the acceptance of the written material, without having to give any reason or justification, which determination will be final and irrevocable.
IV. Once the inclusion of the contributed material is accepted, the agreed royalty payment shall be made within 15 days after the corresponding magazine issue is offered for sale to the public.
V. In case the inclusion of the contributed material is not admitted, no royalty payment will be made to the author, without the need to return what has been delivered; but the author’s copyright will be respected by not publishing (neither in print nor online) any part of his written, illustrative or photographic material.
VI. The author accepts and assigns all patrimonial rights of his work for up to three years, accepting that the article submitted may be modified in length, with his consent, and that it may be corrected in obvious errors that would not have been saved with a “sic.”
VII. The assignment by the author of his work so that it may also be freely translated into Spanish or English, as required (unless the author submits both versions).
VIII. All proposals must follow our “editorial line” and “our guidelines” before and after contacting Álula Magazine, as described on our webpage.
IX. The mere submission of work of any kind, even if the referral is received, does not imply a commitment for Álula Magazine to publish it totally or partially or to pay any royalties since the right will only be acquired with respect to the material actually published.
X. The contract shall be formally executed in San Jose del Cabo, Baja California Sur, United Mexican States (Mexico). Therefore the contracting parties submit to the jurisdiction and laws of Mexico, waiving any other jurisdiction by reason of domicile or otherwise.